Microsoft Word Training – Level 1


1. Getting Started

  • Starting Word +

    1. Opening Microsoft Word
    2. Moving the cursor around
    3. Navigating using the keyboard
    4. Shortcuts to navigate

  • Getting Familiar with the Word Screen +

    1. Identifying parts of the Word screen
    2. Using & customizing the quick access tool bar
    3. Working with the ribbon
    4. Using shortcut lists by clicking right button
    5. Using shortcut keys
    6. Using the scroll bars & the status bar
    7. Using page zooming

  • New Documents +

    1. Creating a new blank document
    2. Creating a document from a template
    3. Shortcut to open a new blank document
    4. Saving a document for the first time
    5. Saving & creating a new folder
    6. Saving another copy of the document
    7. Saving a document onto a external hard drive, CD RW or USB drive

  • Opening & Closing Documents +

    1 .Opening a Word document
    2. Closing a document & exiting Word
    3. Shortcuts to open, close, & save

2. Starting with MS Word

  • Working with Text +

    1. Entering text into a document
    2. Inserting date & time into a document
    3. Overtyping text in a document
    4. Deleting a word, sentence, & paragraph
    5. Delete & backspace shortcuts
    6. Inserting an entire document
    7. Using the show/hide command

  • Selecting Text +

    1. Selecting a word or line of text
    2. Selecting a sentence or paragraph
    3. Selecting multiple lines of text
    4. Selecting an entire document

  • Undo & Redo +

    1. Using undo to reverse last action(s)
    2. Using redo to recreate an action

  • Moving & Copying Text +

    1. Cutting & pasting text
    2. Copying & pasting text
    3. Moving or copying text with drag & drop
    4. Using the clipboard
    5. Moving or copying text between documents
    6. Cut, copy & paste shortcuts

  • Document Views +

    1. Switching to outline or draft view
    2. Switching to full screen reading or web view
    3. Switching to print layout view

  • Full Screen Reading View Options +

    1. Navigating pages through the document
    2. Using the navigation pane
    3. Jumping to a particular screen using thumbnails
    4. Highlighting content you want to remember
    5. Revising the document & adding comments


  • Spelling & Grammar +

    1. Using spelling & grammar check
    2. Using synonyms & thesaurus
    3. Finding & replacing text
    4. Advanced find & replace options


  • Font Type & Font Size +

    1. Changing font type or size
    2. Using the grow & shrink buttons
    3. Changing the default font type & size

  • Formatting Text Commands +

    1. Applying bold, italic & underline
    2. Changing the font color
    3. Formatting using the font dialog box
    4. Copying formatting with the format painter
    5. Using subscript or superscript
    6. Using change case options
    7. Applying text highlight color, effects, & shadows
    8. Clearing formatting

  • Drop Caps +

    1. Dropping a cap
    2. Adding more than one letter to a drop cap
    3. Removing a drop cap


  • Aligning Text +

    1. Applying align text left
    2. Applying align text right
    3. Centering a paragraph
    4. Justifying a paragraph

  • Indenting Text +

    1. Creating first line & hanging indent using ribbon/menu options
    2. Creating first line indent with the keyboard
    3. Creating left, right, first line, & hanging indent using ruler

  • Bullets & Numbering Lists +

    1. Creating a bullet list
    2. Creating a number list
    3. Using bullets or numbers library
    4. Using pictures or symbols as bullets
    5. Using special numbering list features

  • Line or Paragraph Spacing +

    1. Setting before & after paragraph spacing
    2. Adjusting the line spacing within a paragraph

  • Paragraph Border & Shading +

    1. Adding border to a paragraph
    2. Adding shading to a paragraph


  • Page Setup Options +

    1. Setting top, bottom, left& right margins
    2. Changing paper size
    3. Changing page orientation

  • Page Borders & Shading +

    1. Applying a page border
    2. Using art in a page border
    3. Applying shading to a page


  • Applying & Creating Styles +

    1. Applying title, headings or subtitle styles
    2. Applying emphasis, strong or quote styles
    3. Creating a new style
    4. Copying styles between documents
    5. Modifying or clearing a style


  • Previewing & Printing a Document +

    1. Previewing a document
    2. Printing a document
    3. Modifying page setup options from the print window
    4. Using quick print


  • Help & Maintenance +

    1. Searching help
    2. Using the table of content
    3. Shortcut for Help

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