1. Creating & customizing your own templates
2. Opening & modifying a customized template
3. Creating & saving new workbooks from your customized template
1. Using the name manager
2. Creating & defining names
3. Modifying or deleting named ranges
4. Using a named range
5. Creating names from selection
1. Consolidating data by Position
2. Consolidating data by Category
1. Using Choose or Index function
2. Combining Vlookup with Data Validation
1. Using SumIF or SumIFS
2. Using a Round function
3. Using a Rand function
1. Using CountA, CountBlank, CountIF, or CountIFS functions
2. Using AverageIF or AverageIFS functions
1. Using IF function with AND/ OR function
2. Using False or True
1. Text Functions
2. Using Left or Right functions
3. Using Lower or Upper functions
1. Working with single variable data tables
2. Working with a two-variable data table
3. Using multiple formulas in a data table
1. Using trial & error
2. Using goal seek
1. Creating scenarios to analyze possible situations
2. Saving current data as a scenario
3. Adding data for new scenarios
4. Applying a scenario
5. Editing & deleting scenarios
1. Installing the solver
2. Using the solver to solve complex problems
3. Working with the solver options
4. Viewing & printing reports
1. Evaluating formulas
2. Tracing cells that contain formulas that refer to other cells (dependents)
3. Tracing cells that are referred to by a formula in another cell (precedents)
4. Hiding all the auditing arrows
5. Opening the watch window & adding cell watches
1. Circling invalid data & clearing validation circles
2. Correcting calculation errors
3. Setting error checking options
4. Scanning & correcting all errors
1. Creating a new workbook window
2. Arranging worksheets
3. Viewing side by side Files
4. Freezing panes
5. Splitting panes
1. Centering a Worksheet on a Page
2. Adding page breaks
3. Printing tiles
4. Adding a Header & Footer
5. Setting up a specific Print Area
6. Printing Column & Row Headings