Microsoft Excel Training – Level 1



  • Excel +

    1. What is a spreadsheet?
    2. Opening Microsoft Excel

  • Getting Familiar with the Excel Screen +

    1. Identifying parts of the Excel screen
    2. Using & customizing the quick access tool bar
    3. Using shortcut keys
    4. Using the scroll bars & the status bar
    5. Using page zooming

  • Moving around the Cursor +

    1. Activating a cell using the mouse
    2. Moving around using the keyboard
    3. Moving around using the name box or go to command
    4. Moving to other worksheets within a workbook
    5. Shortcuts to navigate

  • Selecting Cells & Worksheets +

    1. Selecting a single cell or a range of cells
    2. Selecting non-adjacent cells or ranges of cells
    3. Selecting a range of cells using shift key
    4. Selecting a column, row, or worksheet
    5. Selecting multiple worksheets

  • Entering Data +

    1. Entering types of data: text, numbers, & dates
    2. Editing, replacing or deleting contents in a cell
    3. Editing cell content using the formula bar
    4. Using spelling & grammar check
    5. Using undo or redo

  • New Workbooks +

    1. Opening a new blank workbook
    2. Saving a workbook & creating a new folder
    3. Shortcuts to open & save a new workbook
    4. Saving a workbook onto an external hard drive, CD RW or USB drive
    5. Creating a new workbook using a built-in template on your computer
    6. Working with the compatible mode

  • Opening & Closing Workbook +

    1. Opening an Excel workbook
    2. Closing a workbook & exiting Excel
    3. Shortcuts to open, close, or save

  • Moving & Copying Data +

    1. Cutting & pasting data
    2. Copying & pasting data
    3. Moving or copying data with drag & drop
    4. Using the clipboard
    5. Cut, copy & paste shortcuts
    6. Using the paste special command


  • Formulas +

    1. Cell references
    2. Using the Numeric Keypad (numpad)
    3. BEDMAS: The precedent order of mathematical operators
    4. Entering a formula using both mouse & keyboard
    5. Dividing, multiplying, adding, or subtracting
    6. Using and understanding parentheses in formulas
    7. Editing formulas in the formula bar
    8. Copying a single formula
    9. Displaying & printing formulas

  • Quick Calculations +

    1. Using the status bar to do quick calculations without using formulas

  • Basic Functions +

    1. Common Microsoft Excel Functions: Average, Count, Max, Min & Sum
    2. Entering functions with the insert function button
    3. Entering functions directly in the active cell
    4. Using AutoSum command
    5. Common Date & Time functions: Now, Date, & Today
    6. Common Text functions: Right, Left, Upper, & Lower

  • Absolute & Relative Cell References +

    1. Understanding absolute & relative cell references
    2. Mixed absolute & relative cell references
    3. Creating formulas with absolute, mixed & relative cell references


  • Formatting Cells +

    1. Changing font type, size & colour
    2. Using the shrink option to resize cell content
    3. Changing the default font type & size
    4. Applying bold, italic & underline
    5. Applying borders & shading
    6. Aligning & indenting data
    7. Merging or splitting cells
    8. Changing numbers to percentages or dates
    9. Increasing or decreasing decimal points
    10. Using format painter to copy formatting
    11. Applying cell styles & themes for quick formatting
    12. Using custom or special number formatting
    13. Clearing formatting
    14. Shortcuts to apply formatting

  • Columns & Rows +

    1. Inserting or deleting columns & rows
    2. Increasing or decreasing column width & row height
    3. Auto fitting column width & row height
    4. Hiding or unhiding columns & rows
    5. Shortcuts to insert or delete columns & rows

  • Fill Handle & AutoComplete +

    1. Using AutoFill or Autocomplete to enter text
    2. Using the fill handle to enter custom lists
    3. Filling a range of cells with the same data
    4. Using the fill handle to enter sequence numbers, days or months


  • Worksheets +

    1. Inserting or deleting worksheets
    2. Moving or copying worksheets
    3. Hiding or unhiding worksheets
    4. Renaming worksheets
    5. Adding colour to the worksheet tabs


  • Pictures, ClipArts, Shapes, SmartArts, Hyperlinks, Text Boxes & WordArts +

    1. Inserting a picture, clipart, shape, or WordArt
    2. Inserting a diagram, text box, or hyperlink
    3. Formatting Illustrations, links, or text boxes


  • Working with Charts +

    1. Chart elements
    2. Inserting column, bar, pie, or line charts
    3. Moving & resizing charts in the same worksheet
    4. Moving an existing chart to another worksheet
    5. Changing chart type or data source
    6. Switching column/row data
    7. Deleting charts

  • Formatting Charts +

    1. Inserting, formatting & modifying chart & axis titles
    2. Formatting chart & plot area
    3. Formatting wall & floor area
    4. Changing legend location
    5. Changing chart layouts or styles
    6. Adding data table
    7. Using data label options
    8. Formatting data series


  • Page Setup Options +

    1. Setting top, bottom, left & right margins
    2. Changing paper size
    3. Changing page orientation
    4. Inserting or removing page break
    5. Setting scaling options
    6. Aligning data to centre of page
    7. Adding headers & footers
    8. Printing titles; the same headings in all the pages


  • Previewing & Printing a Worksheet +

    1. Previewing a worksheet
    2. Printing a worksheet or selected cells
    3. Printing gridlines or formulas
    4. Modifying page setup options from the print window
    5. Using quick print


  • Help & Maintenance +

    1. Searching help
    2. Using the table of contents
    3. Shortcut for Help

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