Microsoft Word for Youth

Six 1- Hour Sessions or Four 1.5-Hour Sessions


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Microsoft Word for Youth



6 hours approx.

$345 *

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Schools are requiring the use of computers for schoolwork and assignments from kids at a younger age.Microsoft Word is a program that is the most used when it comes to written schoolwork including essays, research papers, creative writing, etc.

Most students don’t ever learn to properly use it which deters them from finishing their work in a timelier fashion. a word processing program. In fact, teachers commonly dock students marks for improper formatting. Additionally, as of grade 9, lacking the knowledge needed to format assignments becomes more indispensable with every year that passes.

The sooner kids learn how to use it, the less trouble they will encounter as they get older.In short, Microsoft Word is a comprehensive program that includes various editing and formatting features as well as sophisticated visual elements. Word allows you to produce well-written and visually appealing documents.

Getting Started

  • Microsoft Word +

    1. Microsoft Word screen layout
    2. The quick access toolbar
    3. Microsoft Word Terminology
    4. Working with the ribbon
    5. Saving and naming a file
    6. Opening a file
    7. Opening a blank document
    8. Closing a document
    9. Closing the Word application and document simultaneously
    10. Shortcuts to open, close and save a document
    11. Moving the cursor around
    12. Shortcut to navigate in a document

  • Starting with Ms. Word+

    1. Entering text
    2. Inserting dates
    3. Selecting text
    4. Using undo and redo buttons
    5. Deleting a word, sentence, and paragraph
    6. Inserting clipart, pictures, and Word Art
    7. Copy and paste operation
    8. Cut and paste operation
    9. Using drag and drop

  • Proofing Your Document+

    1. Using spelling and grammar check
    2. Shortcut to check spelling and grammar


  • Formatting Characters +

    1. Changing fonts
    2. Changing font size and colour
    3. Applying bold, italic, and underline
    4. Using the format painter to copy formatting
    5. Using change case options
    6. Clearing formatting
    7. Using WordArt

  • Formatting Paragraphs+

    1. Aligning text left, right, center, and justify
    2. Creating a bullet list
    3. Creating a number list
    4. Using pictures and symbols as bullets
    5. Setting before & after paragraph space
    6. Adjusting line spacing within a paragraph
    7. Adding border to a paragraph
    8. Adding shading to a paragraph

Page Layout

  • Page setup options +

    1. Setting the orientation
    2. Changing margins

  • Printing+

    1. Printing a Word document
    2. Quick print